четверг, 18 июня 2020 г.

The Constrictor

Divided I'm carelessly counting my sins
The sight of growing too old to begin
Sentenced to find the one that is gold
In a pile of nothing.

To our hearts we wreck we're reborn
I grow inside you I feel nothing
And when I'm born I will be ready

There's not enough of a reason to be ugly
I'll crucify you and burn until you're nothing
And if my body is bruised would you believe me that
I am more than you and what you're reading

Medic I feel headless
Leave me

Divided I'm carelessly counting my sins
The sight of growing too old to begin

And if the world never died
I'd live long enough to forget what its shape is
I lost each one of my eyes
In a world mind versus the question

My savior. Music that is not connected with anything in my life, but which seems to have always been with me. Music to soothe a broken heart. Music, to fill a devastated consciousness. My place between heaven and hell.

среда, 10 июня 2020 г.

Lost Boy

I want to know if you can change your life and not betray your own soul
I just want to know but i don't care who you are.
I want to know if you can see the beauty and don't hide your eyes
I don't want to know how did you get here.

I don't care what you have lived
I don't care how old you are

I want to know if you stayed open after betrayals of life
I just want to know but i don't care who you are.
I want to know if you still want to risk and lose your way home
I don't want to know how did you get here.

I don't care what you have lived
I want to know what you are now

Как насчет абсолютной свободы и возможности бесконечно двигаться вперед по извилистой дороге, которая может привести тебя туда, куда ты только мог мечтать? Как насчет нескончаемого лета, теплого аромата земли после дождя, сливающегося с вдохновенным и волнующим благоуханием цветов? Пылинок, танцующих в золотых лучах послеполуденного солнца, ветра, колышущего колосья в необъятных полях? Как насчет величественных горных гряд, тающих в голубом мареве? Таинственной морской глади, уносящей твой взор в бесконечность, а твое сердце - в непроглядную тьму морских пучин? Как насчет густых лесов, в листе которых так причудливо тень и свет переплетаются между собой...? Как насчет тихого дыхания вечерних сумерок, наконец-то приносящих с собой долгожданную прохладу и окрашивающих все вокруг в цвета из иных миров...? Как насчет бесконечности ночного неба над головой, усыпанной миллионами звезд, окутанной незримой дымкой, состоящая из непостижимых тайн и загадок, таких же неуловимых и бесконечных, как те чувства и эмоции, которые способен ощутить человек, всего-навсего включив такую музыку, как эта.

среда, 3 июня 2020 г.

No Dog

With an arch of the neck and the bristling of fur,
I'll cling to the earth with a footing that's sure.
With sinewy limbs, pounding the ground,
By the scruff of your neck, I'll hold you for hours.

As brutes in a brawl, in an exchange of blows,
I'll spring for your throat, break open your bones.
With a punishing jaw, that's eager to grip,
Baring teeth that are starting to drip.

And I've fire in my heart and it's dogged and pure,
Just waiting to leap, to wrestle in dirt.
Is your steel true? Have you an iron will?
Have you mastered the laws that nature has built?

Because I am no man, but I am alive
And I am no dog, I am a wolf.

I! Am! No! Dog! I! Am! A! Wolf!
I! Am! No! Dog! I! Am! A! Wolf!

Esben and the Witch - No Dog

Gosh, how unique, intense and emotional this music is. This vocal gets under your skin, consuming you, while you are drowning in surging waves of divergent and diverse post-rock under the heavy skies of gloomy aesthetic. Each song of these guys sounds like a magical rite, bewitching you with all its entity and converting you to its religion...

понедельник, 1 июня 2020 г.


Over time, I let that seed of uncertainty bloom into a tree.
A tree which cannot be cut down for me.
A compulsion which befell every part of me. 
I had crawled back into the rabbit hole
I thought I'd never return to, but I am accustomed.

To avoid any leaves of self doubt amidst loved ones.
The dirt and earth collapsed and trickled down above me,
behind me, as I burrowed deeper and deeper.
The more I struggle, the more I die.

Inevitability of darkness. What once was a seed of doubt
are roots that shelter me and remind me where I belong --
In a hole.
I choke on the world. I choke on the world.
And I swallow its contents painfully, yet willingly

This is a long, entangled road through a cold autumn forest under the blackened skies, crying with small tears of rain. And I find an irresistible charm in these impenetrable twilight, concealing only sadness and unanswered questions, in these unhurried melancholic tunes that sound like a spell, like a prayer, like the silent conversations between the two irreconcilable parts of your soul...